

Our projects

We are waiting for you in our campaigns! The more people get involved, the more we can help those in need!

Back 2 school 2024

At the beginning of the school year, 420 children from general schools in rural areas received supplies, small surprises and personal hygiene items from Hope for Children association. The supplies and surprises given to children at the start of school have a profound impact, facilitating access to education, increasing their self-confidence and reducing discrimination. These motivate them to go to school with love; children benefit from positive role models and a sense of being valued and integrated into the community. Gestures of this type promote solidarity and give children the resources and motivation they need to get off to a good start in the new school year.

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The hope camps

The camps organized by Hope for Children for orphan children are essential for their emotional, social and physical development. These include sports, creative activities, games and competitions that help children develop confidence, team spirit and creativity, while also learning about responsibility, communication and friendship. The experiences provided help build character, reduce social isolation and provide children with moments of joy and precious memories in a safe environment. Through the support of these camps, Hope for Children also builds the future of children, offering them opportunities for personal development and independence in a positive environment.

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One coat one hope 2024

Giving gifts and surprises to underprivileged children can bring great joy and have a positive impact on their lives. Thus the Hope for Children association is with them and makes them happy with a little support. This summer's packages also contained a t-shirt or an article of clothing from the clothing recycling project, carried out in partnership with Kaufland Romania.

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Endowment of a children s home

14 children institutionalized in a children's home received new furniture from the Speranta pentru Copii association. Useful furniture: wardrobe with hanging support, chest of drawers, bedside table, hanging wardrobe, storage cupboard, all so necessary to complete the children's room. The beneficiary children received with great delight the new furniture, which transformed their space and made them have a beautiful, clean and designed room in such a way as to transform it into a unique and personal space.

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Children s month

More than 1000 gifts with Lego and sweets were prepared and offered by the volunteers of the Hope for Children association. Children from several kindergartens, schools and children's centers received with great delight the packages of sweets and toys offered by the volunteers. These small gifts and visits to the children give them the attention and affection so necessary for harmonious and healthy development. The civic and social involvement of our volunteers makes the children happy. Together we are Hope for Children.

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Visiting the seaside 2024

Children who have never seen the Black Sea, the coast, the sand, the beach, the shells and never enjoyed a day at the beach, got to do all that, this year. The harmonious and healthy development of children also depends on the extracurricular activities they have. Of course, this visit to the Black Sea also contributes to creating a normal childhood for these children.

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At Hope for Children Romania, we welcome spring with joy and enthusiasm. The children participate in various educational activities with the association's volunteers. Together those who offer and those who receive, rejoice. The most important thing is that recreational events, socializing events, volunteer visits, sports activities and cultural activities happen often and the participants appreciate their usefulness.

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The green week 2024

Cheerful high school students eager to volunteer visited the Hope for Children NGO, during the green week. They carried out volunteering activities, environmental care and greening activities, participated in the Hope workshop, all for the benefit of other children, single children. We thank the high school students for your enthusiasm and dedication, the diligence and attention with which they became volunteers of the Hope for Children NGO.

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Creative activities, cultural and sports workshops, games and contests, fun and gaiety, all these describe how disadvantaged children spend their school holidays at Hope for Children. "The day most beautiful " said one of the children full of emotion, mistaking the topic but expressing exactly what we manage to do at the Hope for Children.

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Hope workshops

The children participate with great joy in the creative workshops of the Hope for Children association. Small children and students, school and high school students come to the association excited and leave with beautiful memories and useful skills. Every year more than 1000 children participate in workshops and courses organized by the Speranta for Children association. These extracurricular, educational and recreational activities offer disadvantaged children the chance to learn and the chance to have a normal childhood.

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Winterholidays 2023

As every year, the the NGO Hope for Children, joyed these holidays too, over 800 disadvantaged children with the visit of the association's volunteers, with gifts, sweets, fruits, food, supplies, new clothes and surprises. Santa Claus comes every year and the Hope for Children association manages, with the help of those who are socially involved, to offer children a natural Christmas celebration, with gifts, carols and lots of joy. This year, the association delighted toddlers and children with the presence of Santa Claus at the show where the children were real artists on stage.

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A coat for Christmas

Within the clothes recycling project, carried out in partnership with Kaufland Romania, which has already become a tradition at the Speranta pentru Copii association, we offered packages with food, sweets, recycled clothing items, fruit and personal hygiene items to homeless people and institutionalized adults in homes for adults. The volunteers of the association have prepared over 600 gift boxes with the items mentioned above. The beneficiaries received the gifts from Hope for Children with tears in their eyes and with great gratitude.

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Santa Claus Workshop 2023

The hardworking children who come to Hope for Children ngo like coming at home, spend their free time with joy here . Around the winter holidays, children from family-type homes participate in educational workshops, workshops where they learn to make different handicrafts, crowns, arrangements, globes for the Christmas tree, decorations and others. Every time the children are happy and excited about what they manage to craft with their hands. During all this time, they learn carols and, of course, wrtite the letter for Santa Claus.

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Clean little hands

5000 children from Brasov county received at the beginning of their learning journey: kindergarten or school, hygiene items: disinfectant gel, disinfectant spray and reusable mask for when they have a cold, from the Hope for Children association. Clean hands mean health and if we are healthy we come to kindergarten and school with love! A school year with successes and increased learning, dear children!

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Summercamp 2023

The children from the Hope for Children association were in the camp at the Black Sea. A week of joys, adventures, the beach, a night in the Black Sea, visits to amusement parks, delicious food and new friends, all together offered to single children who otherwise cannot financially afford to participate in a camp. The Speranta Association for Children offers every summer the chance for these wonderful children to have beautiful memories and a natural childhood through the camps organized for underprivileged children.

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1 June 2023

Every year children and childhood are celebrated the Sperantapentru Copii, in the month of June, the month of children. Especially disadvantaged children, from rural areas or single children enjoy the attention and gifts received on the occasion of International Children's Day.

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Repairing at Adrian Home

Casuta Adrian is a house dear to the Hope for Children association. This year the association paid for the repair of the roof, the painting and the treatment of the walls with anti-mold. The beneficiaries are delighted and happy with the repairs made. Together we are Hope for Children.

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Courses and activities at Speranta Center

Children from vulnerable environments, from Brasov county, participate with interest and joy in the activities and courses organized at the Speranta center. Sports activities, outdoor activities, games and playing, but also courses in which each child learns new skills and knowledge, all of these take place with the help of those who get involved in these social projects.

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Easterbunny 2023

A wonderful initiative through which every year Hope for Children offers Easter gifts to underprivileged children. This action brings joy and hope to the lives of children who are facing various difficulties. This beautiful initiative brought smiles to the faces of underprivileged children during the Easter holidays!

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The Clothes Reuse Project

The Clothes Reuse Project is an excellent initiative to promote sustainability and reduce environmental impact. Once the clothes are received, we organize sorting sessions. Separating clothes by type, size and quality is important. Then there are workshops where people repair and improve used clothes. This encourages a more sustainable approach to fashion and promotes practical skills. Responsible ways of distribution of clothes is carried out responsibly, packages with clothes but also other personal hygiene products and sweets have reached the homeless. Asociatia Speranta pentru Copii contributes through these projects to the reduction of textile waste and to the promotion of a more sustainable approach to fashion.

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One piece of clothing, One hope 2

Within the projectOne piece of clothing= One hope, Hope for children, offered recycled clothing items, sweets and personal hygiene items to people in state homes. This gesture can help improve their quality of life. Receiving gifts, such as sweets, can have a positive impact on people's emotional state. This can provide a sense of support and connection to the community, which is important for their psychological well-being. The act of providing such aid reflects the social responsibility of the speranta for children association towards its vulnerable members.This project, a coat is a hope, addresses the immediate needs of people in state homes, and thus contributes to the creation of a fairer society, offering emotional support, maintaining dignity and promoting public health.

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Children's celebration of Earth Day is an educational, interactive and fun experience that teaches them about the importance of protecting the environment and natural resources. Together with the Hope for Children volunteers, we collected waste, talked about the importance of protecting the environment, planted trees and enjoyed a delicious lunch. at the end, the participating children also received gifts consisting of personal hygiene products, cosmetics, toothbrushes and toothpaste and sweets.

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One piece of clothing, One hope 2023

The clothes reuse project, One piece of clothing= ONEhope, is particularly important and brings significant benefits from a social, economic and ecological point of view. Reused clothes are distributed free of charge to underprivileged communities or people in need.Access to clothes in good condition can improve the quality of life for those who would otherwise not be able to afford new clothes.Clothing reuse projects help raise awareness of the negative impact of overconsumption and the need to reduce textile consumption we.

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First aid course for children

The Hope for children NGO offered the children a first aid course. Having children participate in a first aid course has multiple benefits and is a valuable educational experience. Learning first aid measures gives children practical skills that can be applied in emergency situations in everyday life.Children gain autonomy and self-confidence, knowing that they have the skills to deal with emergency situations. Attending a first aid course teaches children to act quickly and effectively in an emergency, which can make the difference in saving lives.

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Christmas 2022

Christmas can be a difficult time for children who are alone or feel isolated. It is important to make efforts to bring joy and warmth into their lives during this special time of the year. At Speranta pentru Copii we approach this period with sensitivity and care, ensuring that our initiatives are adapted to the specific needs of single children and that they are carried out in a way that brings them comfort and joy. More than 700 disadvantaged children received gifts and joy as a gift from the Speranta for Children association. At the show "Children for children" 200 children participated as spectators and on stage there were 50 children, Santa Claus and a magician. Together we are hope for children!

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The sports health project

The Sports Health Project for Underprivileged Children is a wonderful initiative that not only encourages physical activity and a healthy lifestyle, but can also have a positive impact on the well-being and self-confidence of these children.

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Saint Nicolas 2022

The volunteers of the Hope for Children NGO prepared gifts from Saint Nicolas for disadvantaged children. Giving gifts to underprivileged children is a wonderful way to bring joy and a smile to their faces. Hygiene items, sweets, educational toys and drawing items, all brought great joy to the children.

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The cooking Workshop

Together with friends from Selgros, the beneficiary children learned to prepare a delicious pumpkin tart from scratch. the secrets of cooking and cooking made the lonely children happy and delighted. Together they prepared the dough, kneaded it, mixed it and put it in the oven to bake. They also enjoyed the delicious dessert together. Thank you Selgros for your involvement and support!

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Speranta workshop

The Atelierul Speranta protected unit, with employees with disabilities from the social protection system, is an initiative that provides support for people with disabilities. The Speranta workshop aims to facilitate the integration and active participation of these people in the labor market. Here are some features and benefits of such a unit: Social Inclusion, Interaction with Colleagues, Emotional and Psychological Support, Personal and Professional Development Continuing Education, Outreach and Community Education Program. Sheltered establishments with employees with disabilities not only support social inclusion, but also contribute to building a more diverse and equitable community. They provide equal opportunities in the labor market and promote a work environment that values the skills and contributions of each individual.

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Help for health 2022

Furnishing and modernizing the Clinical Children's Hospital in Brasov is an effective way to make significant improvements in the children's hospital, so that this institution can offer quality and comprehensive medical services. It is a valuable partnership between the private and public sectors, with long-term benefits for the health and well-being of children and the communities in which they live.

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Back 2 school 2022

At the beginning of each school year, the Speranta pentru Copii/Hope for children NGO prioritizes the provision of school supplies, which not only support education, but also contribute to building children's confidence and motivation for school. Providing school supplies to underprivileged students is a great way to support their education and help create an environment conducive to learning.

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Camp 2022

The Speranta Camps for Children offer a safe environment where children discover and develop personal skills, and where they can discover their passions and interests. Group activities and discussions help manage emotions and build self-confidence. Attending camps provides the chance to form lasting friendships and build positive social relationships. Team activities contribute to the development of social skills and the understanding of the importance of collaboration. Field trips and educational activities provide children with hands-on, hands-on learning opportunities.

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Education through sports

Education through sports is an approach that uses sports and physical activities to promote the personal and social development of children. This involves learning important values such as fair play, discipline, team, respect and perseverance through sports experiences. At the Speranta pentru Copii/Hope for Children NGO, the favorite activities of the beneficiary children are sports activities. Thus children develop healthy and learn true values. Together we are hope for children.

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Support for education

Education in these times is made easier with the help of technology. The children received a computer and its auxiliary parts, as well as books to complete the school library. Education makes the future better.

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Social event

The children from the orphanages in Brasov watched together with the children from Ukraine a circus performance. The children ate popcorn, drank juices and served dessert. They were happy and made new friends and admired the beautiful show.

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Easter 2022

The volunteers of the Hope for children/Speranta pentru Copii NGO brought smiles to children's faces in the spirit of generosity and the Easter holidays. These gifts make a difference in the lives of this special children and give them hope as a gift.

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Spring workshops for children

Workshops organized by the hope for children ngo are a magical place where children develop their skills and creativity. Here children have the opportunity to play and learn at the same time, under the careful guidance of our volunteers. Activities such as painting, folding and decoupage techniques, drawing, origami and confections develop children's imagination. Children learn to create unique objects by hand, using various materials such as paper, cardboard, textiles and recycling materials for eco-friendly projects. Workshops of the Speranta for Children association promote learning through play and fun.

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Christmas 2021

With joy and gratitude, the children received gifts from Santa Claus. Happiness is mixed with the surprise of gifts and together they create the magic of the winter holidays. This period is a magical story that remains in the hearts of children forever. Thank everyone who supports the Hope for Children NGO.

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Saint Nicholas 2021

The children's eyes shine with joy and enthusiasm, their hearts are full of hope and impatience when they receive sweets, toys and other wonderful gifts from Saint Nicholas. We thank all those who get involved and who offer joy to the children. Together we are hope for children.

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Schoolcamp 2021

During the autumn vacation, pupils and schoolchildren from rural areas participated in the holiday camp at the Hope for Children NGO. The children played, organized contests, served festive meals, laughed and felt good.

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Aid for education

Education and the education system needs support and completion. The Hope for Children NGO donated 10 professional printers/copiers to 3 orphanages:family-type houses and 3 rural kindergartens, which have 2 or more buildings in which they operate. Worksheets, exercise maps, announcements and other necessary texts and graphics are printed for children. Tables, desks and panels completed the donation. Children learn more easily and happily from now on.

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Back 2 school 2021

The students are preparing for lessons again, the teachers are waiting for them, and the atmosphere is full of joy. The school year promises to be a promising one for most of the students who received supplies and those necessary for school from the HOPE FOR CHILDREN NGO. Every day brings students an opportunity to learn something new. It's time to discover what things they can add to their cultural baggage this year. Good luck in the new school year.

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The sports ground, the playground

The summer vacation came with a beautiful and especially useful gift for the beneficiary children of the Hope for Children association. Together with the benefactors of the association, with friends, with volunteers, with supporters, but especially with the children, we inaugurated the sports field, the Speranta playground for children. Here children play football, tennis, basketball, volleyball, handball, relays and any other game accompanied by ball and fun. Childhood means games and joys and that is what we offer to the children at the Hope for Children NGO.

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E tablets and surprizes for pupils

Thanks to those who stand by the Hope for children/Speranta pentru Copii association and who are actively involved in social support projects, 25 students received electronic tables to be used in the online school situation. The beneficiaries are disadvantaged children, who thus have the chance to learn and participate in online school courses. The gifts received make the children happy, who learn to be good themselves, thanks to the kindness of those who offer these joys.

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Easter 2021

With Easter egg hunts, a toy bunny and chocolate galore, Easter is a really exciting time for kids.

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Endowment and donations for Bradet

The beneficiaries from Bradet received microwave ovens and tv s for the social room, which was painted, repaired and modernized. The volunteers brought surprises, sweets and delicacies to the beneficiaries. Together we are hope for children.

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We learn together

Institutionalized in children's homes, children participate at the workshops and courses organized by the Hope for Children NGO. Here the children learn together with the volunteers, make new friends and acquire useful life skills. The joy of being together, telling stories, playing, crafting and learning, determines the beneficiary children to participate as often as possible to our creative workshops.

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We bring hope

The children admitted to the Clinical Children's Hospital in Brasov received a visit from the volunteers of the Hope for Children association who distributed packages with reusable masks, sweets and toys. As part of this campaign, the Hope for Children association has also modernized medicine storage spaces and a treatment room with new furniture.

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Winterholidays 2020-2021

During the winter vacation, the children and volunteers from the Hope for Children association spent pleasant moments with beautiful stories at the warmth of the fireplace, taking part at useful and interesting workshops, taking walks in the snow and drinking hot tea. Beautiful moments and small joys create childhood memories. Together for disadvantaged children.

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Santa Claus 2020

Supporters of Hope for children, who have been with the association for more than 10 years and are involved with us, made the disadvantaged children happy with gifts from Santa Claus. Sweets, cakes, candies, biscuits, but also fruit and electric toothbrushes, notebooks and other supplies, all those made the children happy. Thank you very much for being together Hope for Children!

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Workshops for children

Orphan children learn to make various decorative items and learn to be part of a team, at the workshops organized by the NGO Hope for children. The children worked diligently and with interest. At the Hope for Children , children and volunteers are at home and feel at home.

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Back 2 school 2020

Every year, the Hope for children NGO offeres joy to school children who are institutionalized or who are disadvantaged, for the beginning of the school year. 20 pupils from orphanage received packages with shoes, clothes, night lights and sweet surprises. 1000 students from Brasov villages received packages with sweets and reusable masks, accompanied by instructions and an informative brochure each.

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Summer courses

In the delicate period of the pandemic, disadvantaged children need hope and care more than ever. The Hope for Children NGO organized courses and various recreational activities throughout the period to ease and improve the condition of single children.

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Children's Hospital Brasov

Ever since the beginning of the HOPE FOR CHILDREN NGO, since 2005, our volunteers have been involved in social projects and thus help the children admitted to the Brasov Children's Clinical Hospital. Whether we are talking about the modernization of the salons, the equipping with technical medical equipment, Hope for children is careing for the children and supports the Brasov Children's Clinical Hospital. We offered 1000 packages of sweets, toys and reusable protective masks. Small and young children enjoyed what they received and forgot about the disease. We offer hope as a gift!

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June the month for children

June is the month of childhood and the ngo Hope for children enjoyed this month more than 2500 children, which took part at socializing events with packages with the most refined sweets. During this difficult period, the volunteers gave hope, smiles, trust. Drawings, games and toys, colored balloons, laughter and joy; they describe the month of June with hope for children.

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International Children's Day 2020

The children and the institutionalized beneficiaries celebrated the International Children's Day together with the volunteers of Hope for Children. Little and big joys, sweets, games, balloons, smiles and lots of fun, all together for children. A beautiful day and a special memory for the children who need our full involvement.

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Delivering hope

Starting from 23.03. 2020, the volunteers of the Hope for children NGO were fully involved in the we bring hope campaign. In the framework of this campaign, all the placement centers and homes, family-type houses, homes for the elderly, centers where adults with disabilities are institutionalized and the night shelter for street people, in Brasov county, were all beneficiaries of the food products offered. More than 20 tons of food were donated to the listed beneficiaries. Weekly and sometimes daily, the volunteers transported food to the children and people in lockdown in the different locations.

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Easter 2020

The Easter holiday was a reason for joy and hope even in the pandemic. The children from the children's homes and the adults institutionalized in the social protection centers enjoyed the Easter gifts brought by the volunteers of the Hope for Children association.

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Hope s workshops

In the hope workshops, our volunteers and collaborators made reusable masks from iso certified material. These masks were distributed free of charge in kindergartens and schools in Brasov County. Even if it was a complicated period, the involvement and dedication of the members of our NGO had useful and welcomed results. Children could participate in kindergarten or school classes only if they had a mask and if it was clean. With hope for a better tomorrow, with confidence and optimism, together with all those who support the Hope for Children NGO, we managed to offer children and sensitive social categories support.

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Household appliances from SELGROS

SELGROS supports the hope for children NGO and so it helps the orphan children, together we help, together we offer joy and hope as a gift. Through the goodwill and authentic social involvement of those from SELGROS, hope for children received as a donation, necessary household appliances. Electric heaters, irons, mixers, hair dryers, vacuum cleaners, juicers, kettles and microwave ovens, all offered and received with love.

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Practical courses for children

Children from the social protection system participate at the Hope for Children association practical courses, during school holidays and/or at the end of the week. Here children learn manual work, different manufacturing techniques, learn to socialize and to be friends. Their participation in various socialization events is essential: children learn to be part of society.

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Winterholidays in the villages in Brasov county

Volunteers of the Hope for Children NGO visited lonely children from several villages in Brasov county during the winter vacation. The children happily received the gifts they received: clothes, shoes, hygiene products. The presence of the volunteers beautified their winter vacation.

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Hairdressers 4 children

The team of hairstylists from Forma, contributed financially to the donation made by the Hope for Children association to the Buburuza orphanage in Budila. This house has been renovated with the building materials provided. Thank you on behalf of the children for the nice gesture. Together we are Hope for children.

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Christmas 2019

The children received the magic of Christmas as a gift from the Hope for Children association. We thank all those who work miracles for lonely children, who believe in Hope and who make a difference in the lives of disadvantaged children. Together we are Hope for Children.

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Santa Claus 2019

The underprivileged children received gifts from Santa Claus who came to the Hope for Children association. The children received sweets, gloves, hats, scarves, winter boots, thick socks, sweaters and school supplies. The volunteers from Hope for Children played with the children, sang and then served a delicious lunch together. The children learned that they are not alone and that they have good friends at Hope for Children.

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One piece of clothing for each of us

The clothing recycling project had this year's beneficiaries the people who came to the "A hot meal for everyone" event. The volunteers of the association offered over 500 t-shirts, blouses, vests and other clothing items to the people present at the event. With joy and gratitude, the clothing items were received by those who need our help.

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Easter 2019

The orphan children received gifts from the Hope for children Easterbunny.

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One piece of clothing is One hope, bedlinen

In the project one coat = one hope, Hope for Children association, has manually made over 250 sets of bed linens from work robes and other clothing items, in the Speranta workshops.

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Educational project Let's learn

The children from the placement homes in Brasov county participated, for 3 months, in cultural trades courses, at the Speranta center. The children learned the secrets of the trades of carpentry, tailoring, props and also participated in general culture lessons. The teachers who taught these courses are part of the staff of the Brasov Opera House.

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Nationalday 2018

The children celebrated the national day of Romania with the volunteers of the Hope for Children association. Together they made decorations, sang and enjoyed historical stories.

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New Year start in Budila 2019

The underprivileged children who are living in Budila village were visited by the Hope for Children volunteer and were offered gifts.

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Let s learn 2018-2019

The social educational project "Let's Learn" is being carried out with the support of Kaufland Romania. 60 disadvantaged children learn cultural trades (trades needed in cultural institutions: theaters and operas). Butafory, painting, stage decorations, tailoring, dressmakers, shoe maker, floral art are among the workshops attended by the beneficiary children.

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Christmas 2018

Santa came this year for over 300 single or disadvantaged children.Clothes, gifts, sweets, fruits and toys have all brought hope to children.

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Kids for kids 2018

Underprivileged children have prepared a Christmas show for school pupils. The children sang, caressed, recited the poems and played a play. Single and disadvantaged children received gifts from participating children. Together we are Hope for Children!

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Saint Nicolas 2018

The children from the association Hope for Children were thrilled with joy, to receive the gifts from Saint Nic in the cleaned boots .

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A coat is hope

From the uniforms received from Kaufland Romania, as a donation, we made with the children participating at the tailoring clasest, multifunctional jackets that can be used as sleeping bags and we recycled and reused clothes that were offered to the homeless.

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Educational event about femininity

The educational event about femininity was organized by the Beard Brothers Association. The girls from the NGO Hope for Children, listened carefully to the advice offered and learned about the importance of femininity. The girls also received gifts.

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New friends

Orphan children have made new friends with chilfren from families. Together they spent beautiful moments and bonded with new friends.

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Back 2 school 2018

School supplies, teaching materials, clothing and especially joy, that is what the underprivileged children received from Hope Children Association, at the beginning of the school year.

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1 June 2018

Hope For Children celebrates Children's Day with Children! Best wishes children, happy day childhood!

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Diploma for excellence 2018

Within the Top Brands Excellence Gala, the 3rd edition, the Hope for Children Association, has been awarded the Excellence Award for Social Involvement since its beginnings since 2005 and until the present days. Thank you for the recognition!

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At the new playmall in Brasov, the orphan children played, smiled, enjoyed each playground, laughed and had fun, danced and singed, were very excited about how they spent to Superland! They tried all the games, attended the free concert and enjoyed the gifts they had received. Thanks Superland, thank you Alina! Together we are Hope for children!

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Easter 2018

The Children from Speranta Pentru Copii enjoy the visit of volunteers and gifts from the easter bunny

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Socializing 2018

51 orphan children played, ate pizza, enjoyed the candy bar, played with balloons, played billiard and bowling, climbed the indoor escape, all this, together with the over 80 volunteers at the socializing event "Children need a big heart like yours", in Poiana Brasov at the fun and recreation centre. Thank you all for wonderful memories! Many thanks to Unicredit Leasing Team!

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Hand made spring bracelets

Our spring bracelets are made with great care and love in the workshops of our NGO Hope for children. Together with the volunteers and the children from the orphanages, we are crafting and preparing each spring small jewellery. This is a romanian tradition to wear red and white string with a small bead in order to celebrate the coming of spring. This bracelets can be purchased in exchange for a donation and so each can contribute to the humanitarian projects of the Hope for Children NGO.

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Humanitarian help 2018

The Hope for Children Association managed to contribute with 41,200 lei, to the necessary amount for the operation of little I.L.C. . The operation was successful and the little girl, who suffered a liver transplant, is well-being every day. Together we are hope for children, hope for sick children too.

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Santa Claus 2017

Christmas is celebrated by the NGO Hope for Children, this year too; our volunteers visited the children of Lunca Calnicului. At the cultural center of Lunca Calnicului the institutionalised orphan children from 3 children's homes: Teliu, Harman and Lunca Calnicului gathered. Together, over 60 children set up a Christmas show. One of our volunteers was dressed as Santa Claus and he offered gifts to all children. Then we visited the children from the emergency reception center in Targul Mures, where we enjoyed the children with gifts and Christmas sweets.

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Let us share

Children from families have packed gifts and small surprises for underprivileged children. Young volunteers have visited several orphan houses in the towns of Rasnov, Zarnesti, Sacele, Budila, Brasov and Tarlungeni. Sharing is important, learning to give it is even more important. Together we are the hope for children!

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Cutting 4 a cause

Cutting 4 a cause: a gift of a gift. The most famous stylists and hairdressers in Brasov, but also the most hearty ones, have made hairstyles, trimmed and arranged and styled in exchange for a donation. Kronstadt Hairdessers and Barbers have worked and thus it was possible to acquire for Hope Center a generator that is so necessary. Thank you all!

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Back 2 school 2017

With joy and hope we welcome the new school year. Needing children receive from the NGO Hope for Children notebooks, pencils, books and teaching materials necessary to have a successful school year.

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Summer Holidays 2017

With laughter and joy, we welcomed the summer holiday. Pirates, kings, fairies, clowns, princesses and other characters, all enjoyed the carnival of the beginning of the holiday .The children played, presented their costumes, danced, enjoyed a delicious dessert and enjoyed socializing with volunteers. Welcome summer vacation!

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Visit to the elfs kingdom

In Poiana Brasov we met the elves! Children from NGO Hope For Children marveled at the magic of the stories told by the elves, the magic found in their kingdom, learned from the elf queen, learned about the oath of the elves, discovered cures and mysteries from the elf world. A beautiful day spent in a dream place!

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1 June 2017

Hope for Children is always celebrating children, especially for the children's international day. Smile, colorful balloons, joyful children, gifts and visit to the zoo garden in town and lots of love for kids ... this is how we spent at Children's Day at Hope for Children.

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Easter 2017

The orphan children enjoyed the Easter holidays together with the volunteers of the NGO Hope for children . Hope for Children invited the disadvantaged children to Brasov, where they spent a beautiful day. The children had a festive meal at the restaurant, played in the park and received gifts from the easter bunny.

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Lizuca 2017, new furniture for the orphanage

LIZUCA House was furnished with new furniture, made on order, by the NGO Hope for Childre. The girls living here have now, new, useful and modern furniture.

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Let's learn project

With the support of Kaufland Romania, 50 disadvantaged children were taught for one year cultural crafts: tailoring, butaforie, painting, floral arrangements, stage decoration, stage makeup, shoemaker.

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Chistmas performance 2016

Children participating in the project "Let's learn" stage the play "Christmas" on the stage of the Brasov Opera.The spectators are the students of grades 1-4 of the theoretical high school Johannes Honterus from Brasov. The decor, the props, the costumes, the music and the makeup are made by the underprivileged children, graduates of the training courses in the project "Let's learn." An excellent achievement, an amazingly beautiful atmosphere, a wonderful Christmas!

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Santa Claus 2016

Like every year, the volunteers of , enjoy disadvantaged children with gifts from Santa

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Saint Nicholas 2016

The 23 children from "Casa Austria" from Ploiesti received from the Children's Hope Association household appliances for endowing the 2 kitchens.

The children from Budila, in the center of Buburuza, received the visit of volunteers and in sweets and sweets.

Thank you Nicholas!

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Health Aid, 2016

Hope for Children, continues the project Health Aid, a project meant to help the state medical system, in 2016.

As part of this project, we managed to equip the furniture parlors, renovate and equip the canteen serving 100 people daily The children interned here and the medical staff) and the store / deposit of the same section CLINICAL SECTION PEDIATRY II, respiratory disease profile, within the CLINICAL HOSPITAL HOSPITAL, BRASOV, represented by Mrs. Mitrica Maria, as chief medical officer.

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Back 2 school 2016

The children alone from Brasov and Targu Mures enjoyed the Back 2 school campaign, developed by the Children's Hope Association.

The children from Buburuza received the necessary schooling and a laptop.

The children from the Mures Fair received supplies, toys and fruits. Together we are the Children's Hope and bring them the joy of their children.

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